Sunday, October 4, 2009

And We're Open!

This week has been a hectic and beautiful re-opening, and we've been so glad to see all of the lovely faces that have been missing from the museum for the past month or so! The museum is clean, complete, and ready for your enjoyment. Fresh paint, new carpet, and a new layout! In the next few weeks, we will be working to get more signage back on the walls, the Fetch!Lab up and running, making the apartment a more functional space, the new art room decorated, and our court house furnished ::phew!:: So look forward to even more updates!

In the meantime, there are a few events and issues we all want to bring up... In all of the chaos, we've been down a staff member. With heavy hearts we had to wish Brenda Parent, our administrative manager, our prayers as she went under serious surgery last week. It was particularly frightening for Brenda and her family as she is already a cancer survivor and the diagnosis was undetermined. We are happy to say that, to date, Brenda is cancer free. Brenda has worked at the Children's Museum for about 9 years, so many of you may have seen her around. She is a Holyoke native and has given much back to the community. Brenda and her family have given years of service to the museum, not only as employees, but as volunteers as well. We're asking for any donation you can give to help support them in their time of need. Brenda will be out for about 4-6 weeks or possibly longer in order to fully recover. If you would like to send a check (made out to the Children's Museum at Holyoke), please send it to:

Attention: Parent Fund
Children's Museum at Holyoke
444 Dwight StreetHolyoke, MA 01040

Or you can participate in our special raffle. Prizes include a basket of Mary Kay items and a Family Plus membership (great for holiday gift giving!) All proceeds will go to the Parent Fund. Tickets are $1.00 each or 3 for $2.00, available at our front desk. Thank you!!
One of the museum's favorite events is coming up... Holyoke's Parks and Recreation Department's HALLOWEEN SPOOKTACULAR! Saturday, October 31, 2009 1:00 PM - 4:00 pm join us at Holyoke's Heritage State Park for the annual HALLOWEEN SPOOKTACULAR! Halloween activities and crafts for children ages 2 - 10 years old will be offered. Activities include: a costume parade starting the day at 1:00 PM, ride the Not-So-Scary-Go-Round, a haunted house at the Visitor's Center, nationally known story teller Tom McCabe at the Children's Museum as well as crafts and more family fun. For more information, please call (413) 322-5620. (picture source:
Also on everyone's minds is the 2009 H1N1 Flu (Swine Flu). As a place where lots of people and children congregate, the museum is particularly concerned. And so we are reading up on the virus and other seasonal viruses so that we can be as educated and informed as possible on how to keep all of you (and ourselves) flu free! The H1N1 virus is thought to spread in the same way that other influenzas spread: person to person via coughing sneezing, touching things, etc. The virus can only live on a surface for 2-8 hours, and so we are working to keep all of our surfaces and toys as clean as possible. We are also considering installing some bins around the museum that would have a sign reading something to the effect of "if you have seen a child with a toy in his or her mouth, please put it in here." This would be a measure to decrease the likelihood of your child coming across a toy that has been in someone elses mouth. Finally, we have a bottle of hand sanitizer at the front desk, please use it in addition to washing your hands thoroughly in the bathrooms whenever possible- we sure do! (picture source:, information source:

Finally, please don't forget about our Think and Play Fridays for the preschoolers! Ashley had such an amazing time with the group that showed up last week, and she's super excited to see everyone again this Friday. The program begins at 9:30 am (approx. 45 minutes to 1 hour run time), and don't be late because it's only $6.00 per family (free for members)! Anyone arriving after 10:00 am will pay regular admission prices. Be ready for songs, stories, food, and arts and crafts!

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