Saturday, August 29, 2009

Don't Forget!

Summer is winding down; can you feel it?! The air is chilly, the kids are heading back to school, and the museum's summer programs are coming to a close. Our annual shutdown begins on September 7th, and we don't want anyone to forget. What a bummer to head all the way out here and find out that we are closed...

Shutdown promises to be a truly transformative event this year, as our goals are miles bigger than they have been in years (photo source: Here's a sneak peak of some of the things you can look forward to upon our re-opening on September 30th:

  • A new and improved news station... All I can say is, have you ever heard of Ruff Ruffman?
  • A face lift and expansion of our Think and Play Preschool Series
  • A new birthday room in our Discovery Depot space: we'll be saying goodbye to the Dalmation Room and hello to a new art space in its place
    (photo source:

As always, we would love to hear feedback and suggestions from the people who frequent our museum. You know us best! What do you love about the museum? What have you always wished we would change or add? Give us some food for thought, and leave us a comment! Also, stay tuned to our blog throughout September Shutdown for updates and pictures of our progress!

Finally, please don't forget about our Fancy Steps Benefit coming up on September 26th at 6:30 pm in the Holyoke City Hall Ballroom. There are many ways to contribute: buy advertising space in our program booklet, suggest businesses who may want to purchase an ad, or buy a ticket to attend! All proceeds will benefit the ongoing programs at the Children's Museum as well as serve as a catalyst for future growth and the creation of new exhibits and programs (photo source: Call us at (413) 536-7048 for more information.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

September Shutdown

It's that time of year again... the leaves begin to hint at turning beautiful colors, the weather hopefully cools off just a touch, the children head back to school, and the Children's Museum at Holyoke closes its doors for a short time to freshen itself up after a long and successful year of wear and tear. Our annual shutdown allows us to do some really important cosmetic repairs as well as work on fun changes to the roster of programs available, the schedule of events, and the exhibit floor for everyone to enjoy! We love all of our visitors so much- we have many regulars, and all of the staff appreciate the endless support and encouragement that you all bring when you visit! That is why we are very excited to be making so many improvements this year during shutdown- our list is long, and our goals are big. Wish us luck! And so, we will (fortunately or unfortunately, depending on your general outlook on life) be closed starting Monday, September 7th and will reopen Wednesday, September 30th.

Because we are hoping to increase the number of activities and events here at the museum on a daily basis, we are also looking for volunteers that would be interested in helping out. Any age welcome, and many schedules accomodated. Our only requirements are a love of children, a friendly demeanor, and a flexible attitude! Also, if you have any special interests or talents that could be passed along to visitors in a fun and interactive way, then this is the place for you! For more information, call Brenda at (413) 536-7048 ext. 101 or Dayna at (413) 536-7048 ext. 207. *Anyone over the age of 18 will have to pass CORI and SORI checks.*

Please, don't forget about our last Think and Play Series before September Shutdown! Ashley is closing out the year with a bang! On Friday, August 28th at 11:00 am and again at 1:00 pm, come learn about people and all the ways we are connected. We're Different, We're the Same by Bobbi Jane Kates is a jewel in the series of books published under the Sesame Street label. We will be making delicious pizza self-portraits to "illustrate" the lesson in this story!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Grandparent Membership

The Children’s Museum at Holyoke is introducing a new level of membership! For $30.00 per year, the Grandparent Membership will provide both grandparents and their grandchildren entrance to the museum for a fun, family-oriented good time! This membership will cover two grandparents and all of their grandchildren. It's a great opportunity for grandchildren who frequently visit or live with their grandparents to experience the museum and all it has to offer, so make sure to take advantage of this amazing deal!
(photo source:

The new membership will be made available at the Holyoke Senior Fest on Thursday, August 27, from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm. Holyoke Parks and Rec is sponsoring a picnic at the Jones Ferry Access Center for the fest. Tickets are $3, available at the door or in advance at Parks and Rec. There will be a Health Fair provided by local health agencies, a lunch of burgers, hotdogs, beans, pasta salad, watermelon and cake and music provided by the Holyoke Senior Band. Parking at Dean Tech with shuttle service to the boathouse. The museum is providing the festival with six memberships for the raffle. After the festival, the membership will be available for purchase at the museum. (photo source:

Please consider our new membership as it will save money and time upon entering the museum. It's a valuable investment for grandparents and will provide fun and educational activities they can share with their grandchildren. Our memberships also make great gifts!


Don't forget about this week's Think and Play Series for preschool age visitors! On Friday, August 21st at 11:00 am and again at 1:00 pm, Ashley will be reading Amazing Grace by Hoffman and Binch. Come and be inspired by Grace's bravery and confidence! Grace follows her wishes and dreams no matter what other people say- something we should all strive to do! Join us after the story to make a wishing box to keep all of your own hopes and wishes in. This program is included in the price of admission and requires no pre-registration.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Fancy Steps

The Children's Museum at Holyoke is hosting a benefit, and we want anyone and everyone interested to attend! On September 26, at 6:30 pm, please join the staff and board of the Children's Museum in the Holyoke City Hall Ballroom for Fancy Steps at City Hall: A Celebrity Exhibition. The evening will begin with open dance time and a cash bar for guests, followed by a dance performance. Witness the fancy footwork of a talented cast of professional ballroom dancers from Ballroom Fever of Enfield, CT and their celebrity partners (each local celebrity has participated in donor sponsored dance lessons at Ballroom Fever). As pointed out by The Republican, think our version of Dancing with the Stars! (photo source:

Following this performance, dancers and guests will stroll among luminarias to the Children's Museum to continue the evening's fun festivities. Learn what it's like to be a kid at the museum first hand! With the help of the museum staff, guests will race rubber ducks on our water table replica of the Connecticut River, create fancy headpieces and masks at one of our popular art tables, and make their own glittery paper at our Papermaking Exhibit. There will be light refreshments and a cash bar (including martini bar). (photo source:

This delightful evening will benefit the ongoing programs at the Children's Museum at Holyoke as well as serve as a catalyst for future growth and the creation of new exhibits and programs. Tickets are $25 and can be purchased from the museum. We are also looking for event sponsors and/or businesses interested in advertising in our program booklet. Please call (413) 536-7048 for more information.


And speaking of the museum's great programs... Don't forget about Workshop Wednesday! This Wednesday, August 5th at 11:00 am, the theme of Dayna's workshop is Remember When... Children will learn about Holyoke's fascinating past. This program is for elementary aged visitors, requires no pre-registration, and is included in the price of admission.
(photo source:

The Think and Play Series for preschoolers will be running this Friday, August 7th, at 11:00 am and 1:00 pm. Ashley is on vacation this week, and the lovely Amanda will be taking her place to kick off the month of August with A Color of His Own by Leo Lionni. Please join us for this story of one chameleon's quest to find and love himself. Help us celebrate his discoveries as well as Leo Lionni's amazing art by making colorful stamp paintings to take home! This program is included in the price of admission.